Wooden cold pressed oils are also prepared without chemicals, without additives, without heat and at low temperatures like ancient bull driven process. Bull Driven Process was a very old method of extracting oils by crushing the seeds through oxen.
In this method, the bulls are tied to a mount made of a wooden pit and a mortar. As the tire moves in a circular orbit, it rotates the ram and creates lateral pressure on the top of the pit, first crushing the oilseeds and then squeezing out the oil. Wooden cold pressed oils are also as pure as those prepared by the old bull driven technique. In this new process we use a ‘Wooden Ghana’ which is rotated very slowly by an electric machine and this way we can prepare pure oils without chemicals, without additives, without heat as the bull driven process.
Take two big spoons of sesame oil not coconut or mustard no other oil, only sesame oil put two big spoons of sesame oil in your mouth do not swallow it…keep it in your mouth and swirl it around in your mouth continuously keeping it in the mouth for 7 – 10 minutes Ayurvedic texts call this gandush (oil pulling) what effect does it have? It strengthens the gums your teeth will not erode, it will alleviate dental pain, prevent cavities ,after 10 minutes spit it out, don’t swallow it! don’t drink it, spit it out then rinse your mouth with some lukewarm water if you do this the teeth remain in good condition and those with good teeth have good intestines those with healthy intestines have good teeth!